3231003 Pte. Peter Lacroix

Ligny-St. Flochel British Cemetery


Pas de Calais


Born in Larin, Ontario, in May 1888, Peter was still a resident there when, as a draftee, he was signed on in October 1917.

A policeman by profession, Peter attested into the 2nd Battalion, 1st Central Ontario Regiment, in Parry Sound, on October 16th, 1917.

Peter was one of 62 men of the 2nd Battalion, 1st COR, transferred to the 4th CMR variously between June and November 1918. Peter joined the 4th CMR in the field on June 20th, 1918, at a rare light hearted moment when the 4th CMR's baseball game was awarded by default in the 7th innings to the 4th CMR, after the Combined Ambulances of the 3rd Division refused to play on following "differences" with the umpire.

At the time of Peter's loss, on August 30th, 1918, the 4th CMR were in the front line at Feuchy, just west of Arras, France, and had just been involved in an attack on Monchy-le-Preux on the 27th. Ordered to take enemy trenches to the south of Boiry on the 28th, such was the advance on the 27th, that the men had to move forward 6,000 yards (5.5km) over difficult ground before even being able to engage their foe.

It was reported that in the attack on Boiry, Peter was severely wounded in the back by a machine gun bullet. With his wounds dressed he was taken to No.1 Casualty Clearing Station, but died there 2 days later.

Pte. Peter Lacroix is one of 20 men of the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles, who are known to lie at rest in Ligny-St.Flochel British Cemetery, Averdoingt, France.

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Thanks go to Yvo Henniker-Heaton for the headstone image. The biography excerpt is courtesy of 4cmr.com